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The artwork of Rob Fogle

A collection of canvas, murals, boards, bodies, glass & more. 


        Predominately using a mixed media pallet and a variety of different and often function able canvas' the paintings you will find here stretch from  a wide array of sizes, style and subject matter.  The use of neon or black light reactive colors have always been a fascination of mine as well as the female figure,  giving my characters an exotic almost electric intensity as I push them to adopt an other worldly attitude. 


        The love for painting large scale is one of my favorite and most intense driving forces as an artist.   Approaching a new wall has a similar feeling to me as  approaching a large  and unknown opponent in a fight.  I will never be able to fully control  or predict anything,  and having the confidence with myself in having speed, accuracy and the ability to roll with the punches  will allow me to walk away a giant slayer.  

Body Painting

        With all the unique qualities and traits each and every human being has to offer, I'm always in awe of the profound differences one individual to the next can have on my painting and creative process.  Never the same curve, texture, attitude or emotion,  each individual possesses  there own unique canvas.   A task that pushes me to search for their own personal design and color characteristics.

Glass Etching

I'm so thankful to have been given the opportunity to have a trade passed on to me in  my family, especially one with such a unique grace and boldness to it like process of sandblasting glass.  I can proudly admit I'm old school with my  sandblasting method.  Every piece I've done has me deeply involved through every inch and second of it's life, leaving me with the feeling of pride with each completed project.

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